
C# Features Through the History - Version 9.0


The main features of version 9.0!

Version 9.0 of the C# Language came to support the new .NET 5, in the year 2020. Since the release of .NET Core in 2016, this is considered a big breakthrough of the framework, with the unification of the platform:


It's natural that the language should go an step further regarding the capabilities, providing interesting features. 


How to use the examples 

The examples are available here. You can open the solution and play around. Just uncomment the code and have fun! 


Record types

The record type is a new reference type that you can use instead of classes or struct. They provide some interesting capabilities, like the possibility of:
- Use of immutable properties with read-only types.
- Value equality, that allows the comparison of all properties and fields values matching.
- Nondestructive mutation: you can create new structures based on the previous one, with modification of properties and fields.
- Inheritance between the records.
That means the record types can be a substitute for the DTO's and models, for example.

        public record Person(string name, int age);

        // inheritance between records
        public record Employee(string register, string name, int age): 
            Person(name, age);

        public static void ExecuteExample()
            var employee = new Employee("ABC", "John", 19);
            var employee2 = new Employee("ABC", "John", 19);
            var manager = employee with { age = 65 }; // nondestructive mutation
            // = "William"; // Error, readonly properties by default

            var person = new Person(age: 1, name: "Marie"); //all mandatory properties

            Console.WriteLine(employee == employee2); // True
            Console.WriteLine(employee == manager);    // False
            Console.WriteLine(ReferenceEquals(employee, employee2)); // False
Init only setters

With init only setters, it's possible to expande the attribution of some value to a determined property beyond the constructor:
    // normal way
    internal class Test {
        public DateTime ReleaseDate {get;}
        public int DurationMinutes {get; }

        public Test(DateTime releaseDate, int duration)
            ReleaseDate = releaseDate;
            DurationMinutes = duration;
            var testA = new Test(DateTime.Now, 120);
            // error: with the current structure, the atribution of values to the propertis is possible via constructor
            var testB = new Test { 
                ReleaseDate = DateTime.Now,
                Duration = DateTime.Now,
    // using init setter
    internal class Test2 {
        public DateTime ReleaseDate {get; init;}
        public int DurationMinutes {get; init; }

        public Test2(){}

        public Test2(DateTime releaseDate, int durationMinutes)
            ReleaseDate = releaseDate;
            DurationMinutes = durationMinutes;
            // with the init set property, the possibibility is expanded beyond the constructor
            var test2A = new Test2 {
                ReleaseDate = DateTime.Now,
                DurationMinutes = 60

            test2A.DurationMinutes = 20; // Error: just assigned on initialization    
Pattern matching improvements

The pattern matching was introduced in C# 7.0, and it's getting new improvements since then:
            var phrase = "3xampl3";

            if (phrase is not null) { // new syntax for null checking
                // pattern-matching improvement
                var firstLetterIsLetter = 
                    phrase[0] is (>= 'a' and <= 'z')
                    or (>= 'A' and <= 'Z');
Half, nint, nuint types

With the expansion of the connected devices, most of them using ARM architecture, the C# language must evolve in the sense of providing a bigger variety of value types, focusing on performance. 
The Half is a binary floating-point number that occupies 16 bits. The range is from negative 65,504 to positive 65,504. It's is IEEE 754-compliant (what means it's fully supported by Intel-based PC's, Macs, and most Unix platforms). The idea is save storage space when a fully precision is necessary for some operations:
            Half half = Half.MaxValue; // 65500
            var max = nint.MaxValue; // 0x7fffffffffffffff                    
nint and nuint keywords are used to represent a native-sized integers, used mostly for low-level libraries and interop scenarios focused on optimization of performance:
            nint x = 123;
            nint y = 234;
            nint product = x * y;
            IntPtr pt = x;
            pt += 1;
            Console.WriteLine($"x: {x} - pt: {pt}."); // x: 123 - pt: 124.                      
Target-typed new

Now it's possible to initialize an object in a more straightforward and fun way:

    public class TargetTypedExpressions
        StringBuilder sb1 = new();
        StringBuilder sb2 = new ("Test");
        StringBuilder sb;
        public TargetTypedExpressions (string initialValue)
            sb = new (initialValue);

            MyMethod (new ("test"));

            Person person = new("James");
        void MyMethod (StringBuilder sb) {  }

    internal class Person {
        public Person(string name)

They are many other features that we will incorporate in a near future. I hope you have enjoyed this journey now. Have a nice week!

Here is the entire list of this series:


I'd like to leave with you some references that can be helpful for your development as a software engineer, part of what we talked about above:

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Fabio Ono

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