
Technology Radar — May 2020 review — Part 1

A review of the recent Technology Radar May 2020 update

Technology Radar — May 2020 review — Part 1

A review of the recent Technology Radar May 2020 update — I review three items from Techniques and Tools in this part

Yes! Vol. 22 is out now and this is my review. The Tech radar provides the Software Engineering community, a very good glimpse of what technologies, techniques, patterns, tools, languages, frameworks are recommended for Adopt, Trial, Assess and Hold in four quadrants.
You can also create your own radar, here
These are, however, only guidelines as they stand, based on the research performed by ThoughtWorks. Needless to say, these recommendations doesn’t suit every organisation depending upon your needs. What tyou are encouraged to do though, is to create your own Technology Radar; see for more details.

Photo by Mario Caruso on Unsplash
This article gives you my perspective of the techniques that I identify as ready to be adopted and fit into the current architectural/system design needs of many organisations; no matter the size/team, how disruptive or what you are building. You can also subscribe to the radar so that you won’t miss the radar as it is published.
Check out the interesting themes for this edition and you guessed it right, it is starting with the “remote” aspect — Zoom!
The Radar is a document that sets out the changes that we think are currently interesting in software development — things in motion that we think you should pay attention to and consider using in your projects. It reflects the idiosyncratic opinion of a bunch of senior technologists and is based on our day-to-day work and experiences. While we think this is interesting, it shouldn’t be taken as a deep market analysis.

Birth of Technology Radar

As a supplement, if you want to know about the history of Technology Radar, this will help.
Photo by James Sloan on Unsplash


ADOPT: Infrastructure as code
Infrastructure as code, also popularly referred to as IaC, is a type of IT setup wherein developers or operations teams automatically manage and provision the technology stack for an application through software, rather than using a manual process to configure discrete hardware devices and operating systems using source control, adhering to the DRY principle, modularization, maintainability and automated testing.
It evolved to solve the problem of environment drift in the release pipeline. Without IaC, teams must maintain the settings of individual deployment environments. Over time, each environment becomes a snowflake, that is, a unique configuration that cannot be reproduced automatically. Inconsistency among environments leads to issues during deployments. With snowflakes, administration and maintenance of infrastructure involve manual processes which were hard to track and contributed to errors.
Idempotence is a principle of Infrastructure as Code. Idempotence is the property that a deployment command always sets the target environment into the same configuration, regardless of the environment’s starting state. Idempotency is achieved by either automatically configuring an existing target or by discarding the existing target and recreating a fresh environment.
There are several tools and services that come to mind such as AWS Cloudformation, Azure Resource ManagerTemplates, Puppet, Terraform etc. to name a few.
Photo by Jared Murray on Unsplash
ADOPT: Micro Frontends (!Refresher!)
No, it is not Microsite… which is similar to a subsite in Ms SharePoint. It can be defined as
“An architectural style where independently deliverable frontend applications are composed into a greater whole”
It was listed that the industry can assess three years ago and now made its way in to Adopt which means the industry has seen the proof and adopt when it makes sense to do. Some of the key benefits:
  • smaller, more cohesive and maintainable codebases
  • more scalable organisations with decoupled, autonomous teams
  • the ability to upgrade, update or even rewrite parts of the frontend in a more incremental fashion than was previously possible
It has moved from Trial to Adopt since May 2018 and is good to go.
TRIAL: Zero trust architecture
This (buzzword) stuck with me since I read about it! This one is not for any CSOs or Security analysts but for all! The technologies that support Zero Trust are moving into the mainstream. The security experts reckon it might be the best way to stop data breaches.
Zero Trust Architecture is an alternative security model that addresses the fundamental flaw of traditional strategies — that data only needs to be protected from outside of an organization. … The Zero Trust model views data security through a new lens, enabling parameters that dictate access and restrictions.
It was created Forrester Research, based on the realization that traditional security models operate on the outdated assumption that everything inside an organization’s network should be trusted. Under this broken trust model, it is assumed that a user’s identity is not compromised and that all users act responsibly and can be trusted. The Zero Trust model recognizes that trust is a vulnerability. Once on the network, users — including threat actors and malicious insiders — are free to move laterally and access or exfiltrate whatever data they are not limited to. Remember, the point of infiltration of an attack is often not the target location.
Achieving Zero Trust is often perceived as costly and complex. However, Zero Trust is built upon your existing architecture and does not require you to rip and replace existing technology. There are no Zero Trust products. There are products that work well in Zero Trust environments and those that don’t. Zero Trust is also quite simple to deploy, implement and maintain using a simple five-step methodology. This guided process helps identify where you are and where to go next:
  1. Identify the protect surface
  2. Map the transaction flows
  3. Build a Zero Trust architecture
  4. Create Zero Trust policy
  5. Monitor and maintain
Photo by Maxim Selyuk on Unsplash


ADOP: Figma (!Refresher!)
DesignOps? Yes, it is a thing! Why not collaborate with ALL your teams which has similar functionalities such as Sketch and Invision. Any UX designer would kill for it; I mean the amount of time they have to review in the design thinking co-creation sessions, incorporate the feedback and review again is very tedious and sometimes I feel it is not one for faint-hearted.
I honestly can’t believe why companies like Atlassian haven’t thought about a UX design product like this to be included in their productivity suites such as Confluence and JIRA to make lives that bit better. So, give Figma a try.
In the previous radar publication, this was in Trial and now moved to Adopt!
TRIAL: Jaeger
It is a distributed tracing platform.
It inspired by Dapper and OpenZipkin, is a distributed tracing platform created by Uber Technologies and donated to CCNF. It can be used for monitoring microservices-based distributed systems:
  • Distributed context propagation
  • Distributed transaction monitoring
  • Root cause analysis
  • Service dependency analysis
  • Performance/latency optimization
The clients adhere to the data model described in the OpenTracing standard. You can read that specification to understand the Architecture better.
Jaeger exposes tracing metrics in the Prometheus format so they can be made available to other tools. However, a new generation of tools such as Honeycomb integrates traces and metrics into a single observability stream for simpler aggregate analysis.
Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash
TRIAL: Visual Studio Live Share
Yes, it is sharing… LIVE! It is a suite of extensions for Visual Studio Code (love the simplicity it offers!) and Visual code. Given the situation we are in, this Real-time collaborative development environment is much needed! Definitely worth a try assuming you are already familiar with the toolset.
Share your code, collaborate on anything, anywhere, anytime
Collaboration shouldn’t interrupt your workflow
Conduct Pair programming, code edits/reviews, debug, tech interviews etc.
Photo by Max Duzij on Unsplash
See it in action here:
If you are looking for an abridged version, you can check out these quickstarts.
Photo by Stellan Johansson on Unsplash

Create Your Radar

You can create your own technology radar and see where the blips are compared to the ones published by Thoughtworks. It is important for you to understand the differentiator and what makes sense for you and why. There is also constant review needed in order adjust your radar when there is a need for a new framework or techniques that your team want to adopt and they have a credible reason/business case for it. Also, be mindful that you’d also need to create some artefacts including a lightweight Proof of concept to ensure that you are not leaving it too far to figure out any major constraints with the items from our Radar and perform a durable Market scan(s).
Have you created and used your own Technology Radar for your project/organisation? It’d be great to hear your feedback and experience (comments welcome)!



  1. Nice article Karthic! About Micro Frontends, there is a good article from Martin Fowler where he dive into this theme:

  2. Hi Karthick, the Live Sharing tooling is now included for Visual Studio 2019. It's really useful, specially for collaborative approach during the development!

    Thank you for the great article!
